Author: Daniel Mintie

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I am a cognitive-behavioral therapist, researcher and writer based in Taos, New Mexico USA. I am available for consultation globally via the worldwide web. I have 28 years experience helping men, women and children heal from anxiety, depression and the aftereffects of trauma.  I love this work and am both inspired and  humbled by the determination and courage of those I’ve had the privilege of helping reclaim lives of peace,  joy, and relational happiness.  Before returning to school to train as a cognitive-behavioral therapist I worked as an international contract journalist, writing about local communities worldwide struggling to secure economic and political justice and establish a sustainable relationship to food, water and land.

As is the case with many of my patients and colleagues, I first experienced feelings of irrational despondency and worry as a child.  As a boy I found these feelings very mysterious.  Where did they come from?  Why did they go away? I did not yet understand how we ourselves create such emotion as a result of our beliefs, thought patterns and behaviors. Also in grade school I developed a lifelong interest in contemplative spiritual practice, yoga and martial arts.  I’ve incorporated these interests into my clinical work, research and teaching in the areas of mind/body medicine.  Today I teach CBT and integrative medicine at universities and training centers around the world.