Author: Mariusz Wirga

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Mariusz Wirga

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Mariusz Wirga, MD, is medical director for the PsychoSocial Oncology program in the Todd Cancer Institute at Long Beach Medical Center. He is a board certified psychiatrist specializing in Cognitive Behavioral medicine.

Dr. Wirga applies his expertise in cognitive-behavior therapy, psycho-oncology, psychoneuroimmunology, cognitive neuroscience and non-dual counseling to improve quality of life, psychological outcomes and survival in cancer patients and their families. He lectures and conducts workshops on these subjects internationally.

Specific therapeutic tools such as; nondenominational cognitive-behavioral existential counseling and Nondual Medicine have been developed by Dr. Wirga. The latter is inspired by ancient Asian philosophical traditions but without religious or cultural influences.

Dr. Wirga serves on the Board of Advisers of the National Association of Cognitive Behavior Therapists. He developed and leads the Beat the Odds: A Comprehensive Cancer Prevention and Survivorship Program workshops in Long Beach. Additionally, together with his wife Aleksandra Wirga, MD, also a psychiatrist and psycho-oncologist, they conduct 6-day retreats for cancer patients and their families based on the Beat the Odds Program.

Dr. Wirga has authored or co-authored several articles, book chapters and was the first to author a self-help book for cancer patients in Poland, Conquering the Illness [Zwyciezyc chorobe]. Dr. Wirga is currently developing a research project related to effectively addressing modifiable lifestyle cancer risk factors such as; stress management, nutrition, physical exercise, rest and sleep in breast cancer survivors.