Author: Nancy Mintie

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Nancy Mintie

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Nancy Mintie is a lawyer who has spent over four decades creating innovative organizations and programs to address the injustices of poverty. Her first organization, the Inner City Law Center in Los Angeles’ Skid Row, was part of the first team of attorneys in the country to litigate the rights of the unhoused, and to sue slumlords for the injuries and suffering of their tenants. Her second organization, Uncommon Good, has received visitors from every continent except Antarctica, who come to learn about its uniquely effective programs in education, health, urban farming and sustainable architecture. Its office is a first-of-its-kind-in-the-world green building, constructed by hand with on-site earth by the children, parents and grandparents in Uncommon Good’s education program. Most recently, Uncommon Good was honored to become the first Low Intensity Cognitive Behavioral Therapy pilot project in the United States, bringing much needed sustainable mental health resources to a low-income community reeling from COVID fear and lockdown job losses.

Mintie’s book, Poems For A World Yet To Be, chronicles in poetry her experiences fighting for justice, striving to understand life and spirituality, and imagining a world in which fear, greed, and violence, at last, are vanquished by love. Her second book, Poems from the One Heart Mind, is an exploration of the evolution of consciousness as seen through the lenses of nature, relationships, politics and spirituality.

Books by Nancy Mintie