A Pathway to Healing: An Anthology of Poems and Prose

Book Information

A Pathway to Healing
  • Publisher: Beat the Odds
  • Publication Date: September 27, 2021
  • ISBN: 1735541613

Book Ordering Information

This anthology was written by patients at Memorial Care Todd Cancer Institute, long Beach Memorial Medical Center. Grateful for the opportunity to explore expressive writing and art during cancer diagnosis, treatment, and remission, these patients have discovered that creative self-expression can serve as a refuge from physical and emotional suffering. Pathway to Healing is a window into these patients’ experience of cancer – reminding us all that despite life threatening diagnosis – and in the course of a pandemic no less – we can experience authentic relationship, laughter and joy in our lives.

About the Author

Mariusz Wirga

Mariusz Wirga

Mariusz Wirga, MD, is medical director for the PsychoSocial Oncology program in the Todd Cancer Institute at Long Beach Medical Center. He is a board certified psychiatrist specializing in Cognitive Behavioral medicine.

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