Cleanse Your Body, Reveal Your Soul: Sustainable Well-Being Through the Ancient Power of Ayurveda Panchakarma Therapy

Book Information

Cleanse Your Body
  • Publisher: Mango
  • Publication Date: August 11, 2020
  • Available In: Paperback
  • Size: 5 x 8 with 204 pages
  • ISBN: 1642503789

Book Ordering Information

As a psychiatrist/medical doctor, Pentz seeks ways to have people deeply integrate healing at all levels of their being: spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical. In her private practice and her work with children, adolescents, and adults at the University Of New Mexico, she has introduced nutrition and nutriceuticals as alternatives and adjunctive approaches to Western medicine. She now is sharing more of her wisdom via her writing and lecturing. In her new book, she shares holistic and healing interventions to further support the journey to the soul.

This book is born of a profound need she has seen in her twenty-eight years of practice, what has motivated her to seek out speaking engagements on international panels; lead workshops and write both for an academic audience as well as the public; and write for publications such as Psychiatric Times and the Albuquerque Journal, as well as on her blog at Too often, people suffer needlessly because the system in which they seek help is unaware of natural ways to create wholeness. Time and time again, she sees the value of this intervention even just for physical health, thus she seeks avenues to share about what panchakarma can do for those motivated to make changes in their lives in the most foundational ways.

Cleanse Your Body, Reveal Your Soul is Pentz’ first full-length book. In fall 2015, her book chapter, “Botanicals for Depression,” was published in a textbook about integrative therapies for depression in Integrative Therapies for Depression: Redefining Models for Assessment, Treatment, and Prevention (CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, 2015).

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About the Author

Judith E. Pentz

Judith E. Pentz

As program director in the department of psychiatry at the University of New Mexico, she supports psychiatric trainees to the University of Arizona’s integrative medicine online module, mentoring future psychiatrists integrative healing methods for those they are serving. She has practiced as a psychiatrist for twenty-eight years in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where she is on the faculty at the University...

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