Reclaiming Life after Trauma: Healing PTSD with Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Yoga

Book Information

Reclaiming Life after Trauma Book Cover
  • Publisher: Healing Arts Press
  • Publication Date: June 12, 2018
  • Available In: Paperback, eBook
  • Size: 6x9 with 192 pages
  • ISBN: 1620556340

Book Ordering Information

Between them authors Julie Staples and Daniel Mintie have a combined 50 years experience treating PTSD in military and civilian populations worldwide. Reclaiming Life After Trauma shares what the authors have learned in this time, addressing both the physical and psychological expressions of PTSD. The book presents over 30 distinct recovery tools, presenting an integrative, fast-acting, evidence-based, and drug-free path to healing.

The book begins with an overview of PTSD and the ways in which it changes our bodies and minds. It moves on to a review of current research findings on the book’s two modalities, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and yoga. This research is tremendously encouraging, demonstrating how these powerful treatment modalities can counteract and reverse the physical and mental aftereffects of trauma.

The core of the book is a self-help protocol developed and researched in collaboration with colleagues at Georgetown, Stanford and Harvard Universities. Presented as well at the authors’ annual Integrative Trauma Recovery Retreat, this approach to healing is transforming the lives of men, women and children around the world.

What Others Are Saying

Reviews of Reclaiming Life After Trauma

Although there is a strong psychological component of PTSD. . . this is actually a mind-body condition and not simply a psychological one. Yoga provides an ideal mix of mind-body techniques and growing research is supporting its efficacy for PTSD. This book provides a comprehensive set of practice recommendations, including both CBT and yoga, presented in a cohesive text that has high potential for alleviating PTSD and its symptoms by addressing its underlying mind-body pathophysiology.

Sat Bir Singh Khalsa, PhD Sat Bir Singh Khalsa, PhD Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School. Coeditor of The Principles and Practice of Yoga in Health Care

Reclaiming Life after Trauma is an important and valuable resource for anyone who has experienced trauma as well as for their loved ones and providers. The comprehensive and flexible approach ensures that all aspects of the individual are addressed – mind, body and soul. I will be recommending this book to my patients.

Matthew May, MD Matthew May, MD Adjunct Clinical Faculty Department of Psychiatry, Stanford University

Additional Endorsements

Reclaiming Life after Trauma is a phenomenal work. It explains PTSD in a straightforward, understandable yet thorough way. More importantly, Mintie and Staples offer practical strategies for overcoming trauma symptoms. The book validates the pervasive consequences of trauma on the mind and the body, contains stories of patients we can relate to, and conveys hope that we can reverse many of trauma’s effects. The inclusion of yoga therapy addresses the crucial physical aspects of this complex disorder.

Jacob Towery, MD Jacob Towery, MD Adjunct Clinical Faculty, Stanford University School of Medicine

Reclaiming Life after Trauma combines cognitive behavioral therapy and yoga therapy. The authors show how frameworks from Western and Eastern systems can be integrated to inform a powerful biopsychosocial approach to the management of trauma. The book is theoretically grounded yet contains many practical tools and techniques that can readily be applied by the reader. A most significant contribution to the field of integrative healthcare and trauma treatment.

Laura Schmalzl, PhD Laura Schmalzl, PhD Associate Professor, Southern California University of Health Sciences (SCU). Editor In Chief, International Journal of Yoga Therapy (IJYT)

A valuable and inspiring contribution to the treatment of post-traumatic stress that pains and limits so many of us. Well researched, clearly written, and practical.

James S. Gordon, MD Founder and Executive Director of The Center for Mind-Body Medicine

Integrating cognitive behavioral therapy with Kundalini Yoga, authors Minte and Staples weave the wisdom of both disciplines to effectively reduce suffering present with trauma. Practical strategies engage the reader to increase his or her awareness of maladaptive thinking patterns and create impact on his or her own pain patterns.

Judith Pentz, MD Judith Pentz, MD Integrative Psychiatrist Assistant Professor Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of New Mexico

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Reclaiming Life After Trauma Cover

About the Authors

Julie Staples

Julie K. Staples

Julie K. Staples received a doctorate in Cell and Molecular Biology at St. Louis University. She is the Research Director at the Center for Mind-Body Medicine in Washington, D.C. and adjunct assistant professor at Georgetown University School of Medicine. She has been a certified Kundalini Yoga teacher since 1996. Julie teaches online courses on the basics of research and the...

More from Julie K. Staples

Daniel Mintie

Mr. Mintie is an adjunct faculty member at Georgetown University's School Of Medicine. He has a private practice in Taos New Mexico, USA and teaches cognitive-behavioral therapy at universities and training centers worldwide.

More from Daniel Mintie

Media & Press

Coverage About Reclaiming Life after Trauma

Author Interview With Maor Katz, MD and Daniel Mintie

In this interview Daniel Mintie discuss Reclaiming Life After Trauma with his colleague Maor Katz MD, director of the Mountain View California Feeling Good Institute.

View the interview between Maor Katz and Daniel Mintie

Psychology Today Blog Post

Psychology Today blogger Donna Fish speaks with Daniel about the body/mind connection in trauma treatment and writes of her own experience of trauma and healing.

Read the Psychology Today blog post with Daniel Mintie

Yoga Therapy Today Review of Reclaiming Life after Trauma

Originally published in Yoga Therapy Today, a publication of the International Association of Yoga Therapists. Reprinted with permission.

View the article from Yoga Therapy Today